About Me

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Boise, Idaho, United States
I'm the Mom and Grandma of the most amazing tribe! So just let me brag a little! :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Boise Women's Fitness Celebration!

Four generation of girls walked in the Boise 5K Women's fitness celebration on Saturday, September 25. Marilyn, her daugher, 3 granddaughters, 2 great granddaughters and 1 great grandson were all a part of the fun! The local newspaper took notice!

Ready to head to the start of the walk in downtown Boise.

Kim and Ava pose before the start.
Walking along the "rim."

Great Grandma and Conner! He is smiling because of the 10,000 + women surrounding him :)

I'm sure we were chanting, "Boise ---State!" We dressed in our Bronco blue and orange and decorated with balloons to show our support for the big game that afternoon against Oregon St.

A well deserved rest after the walk! And a chance for the "Statesman" rep to catch up with us and get a little info about the group. Great job girls!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

ONE great party

We had a wonderful time playing with Ava today on her 1st birthday! Kim, thanks for letting us share this special day with you!

" Is this all for me???"

(thanks for the photo Aunt Val)

(Thanks for the photo Aunt Val)


What a great looking kitchen crew!!

"For me from Uncle Adam"

"Auntie Kait and Uncle Andrew helped me out"

Ava's grandma and grandpa came all the way from Pennsylvania for her first birthday!

"This is my Auntie Val!"

Ava with mommy and great grandma, Gigi!

Great Grandma and Great Grandpa!

Ava LOVES Tinker Bell Puppy Dog!

"Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty"

Smart Tiger Kitty!

Pool time!

"I have the nicest mommy EVER! She takes me swimming!!"

Ava had so much fun with this birthday card that played the "Winnie the Pooh" song. It was fun watching all of her different expressions as she discovered that she could control turning it off and on. She even started dancing to the music - so cute!

So even princesses need a nap eventually. Sweet dreams, Princess!

Chill out!

I have found that as much as I loved (and still love) being a mother, I am even fonder of being a grandmother. I find I am much slower to say no, much slower to scold, much quicker to hug and kiss and reassure. So what if we get a little muddy, or a little wet, or even a lot wet! We are washable!! This was such a sweet day watching Ava play with the hose. She loved the water and exploring what she could do with it. The joy on her face was priceless and well worth having another bathtime.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rachel's Big Splash!

I just had such a fun couple of days in Utah with my kiddo's! I have to post a few of my favorite videos from the past few months! Rachel at Disneyland in April/May and Conner in his kitchen doing what he loves best. He might look just like his mommy, but he certainly didn't inherit his eating style from her. Matt??? I don't think so! I think it is uniquely Conner Man :)

Conner's Breakfast

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Captain Rachel

Who am I to question the captain?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Girls, Is this the look we are going for? Here is the before and after.. brighter whites and vivid colors! Yahoo!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Too fun!!!

Okay, I'm playing with my PhotoShop again! I took 3 different pictures and made them look like they are dropped on the sand at the beach! I think I'm going to actually print this one off and hang up somewhere - I like it :)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Jon MTC photo's - Feb 26th, 2010

Hooray! We have another batch of pictures from Elder Firkins, already! I can definitely see his personality shining through in the MTC. Smile :)